Alessandro Beber

Alessandro Beber was born in 1986 in Trento.
He has been an Alpine Guide since 2008 and holds a degree in Geography from the University of Padua.
Despite his young age he boasts an outstanding mountaineering activity, ranging from repeating and opening difficult routes on rock in the Dolomites, to ice climbing, steep skiing...In recent seasons he has broadened his 360° approach to the mountain universe even outside Europe, traveling to Mali, Algeria, Canada, Greenland. In 2010 he published a ski mountaineering guidebook on his home mountains, "Lagorai - Adventure Skiing," ed. Tappeiner. His latest work is the DoloMitiche project, an exciting tour of repeats of great routes that have marked the history of mountaineering in the Dolomites, where the first climbers themselves were involved.

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Alessandro Beber

Torre Trieste